Here's To My Mama

Here's To My Mama

From crayons to careers, Moms keep the world moving.

So here's to the mom that has to be reminded she's seen, to the mom who's praying her kids back to Jesus, to the mom who's celebrating a graduation and wondering where the time went, to the mom who has had to say goodbye to her baby far too soon, and to the mom who is somewhere in between trying to find her place. We see you. When we're overwhelmed and up against a giant, it's your voice we hear in our heads reminding us that we're capable. When we feel backed into a corner, we know we always have you to call. There are days that are so hard, so heavy, and we feel so inadequate, so incapable of being strong. Until we remember that you did it first, and so can we. Against all odds and in the mundane and day to day, you showed us how. You held us at our weakest and championed us at our strongest. You protected us in our most vulnerable places and pushed us forward when it was time to grow. You kept us grounded when we felt anything but stable, and you taught us to reach for the stars when we felt so uncertain of ourselves. You made us feel at home when the rest of the world seemed turned against us. And because of you, we always find our way back home. 

So here's to our mamas! To the women who cried with us, laughed with us, and made us the women we are today; thank you will never be enough. 



-Brandi Payne